When designing a new idea in Adobe Illustrator, we may find ourselves needing to use a variety of line styles to enhance the overall effect of our design. Drawing different types of lines for photos, and illustrations may be made easier with Illustrator’s drawing tools. You may modify the lines and change various aspects of them, such as their direction and size. You can also use a dashed line in your project instead of a solid one if you so desire. This can provide a touch of texture and interest to your shape or object, as well as broadening your creative possibilities. Custom dotted lines can be easily created with Adobe Illustrator.
Following are the steps you should follow to convert a simple line into a dashed line in Adobe Illustrator:
You can start by creating a new artboard in Adobe Illustrator. For creating a new artboard you can Select “Create new” or press “Ctrl+N” from your keyboard.

A new document window will appear. Here we are using a custom artboard and click on Create.

You can also create a new artboard by selecting File > New, from the menu bar, and then selecting any artboard size you wish.

A little button to switch workspaces is placed in the right upper corner, next to the search bar; simply click on it to activate it.

Then select Essential Classic from the drop-down menu. This will make all of the tools on the toolbar more accessible. If you do not complete this step, you may not be able to see some of the tools in your workspace.

Now select the line segment tool from the left toolbar or we can press ‘\’ from the keyboard, this will result in automatically selection of the line segment tool.

To draw a line on the artboard, left-click and drag the mouse in any direction. Alternatively, we can hold down the Shift key while dragging the mouse to produce a flawless line on the artboard.

Go to the “Properties” Panel. Under the “Appearance” section, increase the value of “Stroke” to see it clearly.

If you wish to move the line to a different spot, simply click on the selection tool in the left toolbar or use the “V” key on your keyboard to make the change happen.
Left-click on the line and drag to the position to change the location. We can resize the line by clicking on the edge of a line on a small square located at the end of the line and then drag it.
Where is the Stroke panel in Illustrator?
On the right side properties panel will be opened after selecting a line, where you can change your line into a dotted line in the appearance section.

Click on stroke, its setting palette will appear, Check the “Dashed line” option.

Your line will be converted to a dashed line.

You can also increase or decrease the size of the dash and gap between dashes by increasing or decreasing the value in-dash box given under the check box. In this way, you can easily convert a simple line into a dashed line in Adobe Illustrator.
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