In Adobe Illustrator, we cannot convert our image to black and white, but we can turn it into grayscale. A grayscale can also be used as a black and white because there is slightly a little difference between both. Grayscale is also very common these days. Everyone loves to use a grayscale image as it gives your design amazing looks. For further creativity, you can combine a black and white or grayscale image with a contrasting-colored background or colorful text to create a unique design. A black and white image is often desired when working on a design, but some individuals are unsure of how to make one in Adobe Illustrator, which is a common problem. So in this lesson, we are going to tell you how you can convert your image to black and white or grayscale using Adobe Illustrator.
The following are the actions that you should take to complete your project:
Open Adobe Illustrator and create a new document. You can create a new document by going to the “File menu” and click on New.

You can also press Ctrl+N from your keyboard to create a new document. From the New document window, select your desired artboard and click on Create.
Go to “File menu” at the top menu bar from the drop-down list click on “Place” or simply press Shift+Ctrl+P from your keyboard.

A dialogue box will appear. Select your image and click OK. You can also drag your image directly to your artboard.
Resize your image if you want, by dragging it from one edge.

Select your image, from the top menu bar click on the “Object” menu, from the drop-down list select “Rasterize”.

After that Rasterize window will appear.

Click on Color mode options and select grayscale, the default selected option is RGB.

Click OK.
Your image will be converted to grayscale.

You can also adjust color balance, if you want to lighten up your image or if you want to make it darker.
Go to Edit menu from top menu bar, from drop-down list select Edit Colors, and then select Adjust Color balance.

A dialogue box will appear where you can adjust the color for your image from dark to light or light to dark. You can type value manually or you can use the scale to adjust color.

Check the preview option if you want to see the change while adjusting colors. If you don’t check preview you will see the results after you click OK.
You can also add saturation to your image by going to the Edit menu form at the top menu bar, from the drop-down list go to Edit Colors and then select Saturate.

Saturate dialogue box will appear.
Change the saturation according to your need, check the preview to see the result immediately, and click OK.

In this way, you can easily change your image to grayscale. Remember that you cannot convert your image to black and white in Adobe Illustrator. You can only grayscale it. Grayscale images are also used as black and white images.
Illustrator Convert to Black and White Not Grayscale
In Adobe Illustrator we cannot convert images to black and white, we can only convert images to grayscale.
Illustrator Grayscale to Color
You can’t convert Grayscale image to color. But, you can undo changes. Press Ctrl+Z from your keyboard to undo changes, and then your image will be converted from grayscale to color. You can also go to the Edit menu and click on Undo Rasterize.
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