Using Adobe Illustrator for designing different artworks, patterns, or any graphics, every designer needs a lot of shapes to draw. Of course, a lot of patience is required to draw different kinds of shapes sometimes we need a half shape. A half-circle, a half-polygon, a half-star, and much more. It takes a lot of time to understand how we can cut a shape in half in Adobe Illustrator. Well not for you, because we are here to help. We decided this time to make a tutorial for you to cut any shape in half.
So let’s start. We will tell you the step-by-step procedure to cut any shape in half in Adobe Illustrator.
Step 1: Draw a Polygon by using the “Polygon Tool” from the left toolbar.

Step 2: Fill it with any color to get an accurate shape to cut.

Step 3: Select shape by “Direct Selection Tool” from the toolbar.

Step 4: Now select “Knife Tool”.

Step 5: Cut the shape with a knife according to your choice. Press the Alt key to make a straight cutting.

Step 6: Now using the selection tool, first unselect the shape.

We can see that both parts are now divided.

Step 7: Now select one side and we can see that the shape is cut in half.

In this way, we can cut any type of shape in half whether it’s a rectangle or a circle or a star, etc. Using the Knife Tool is the easiest way to cut shapes.
All done. Enjoy!
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