The Reflect tool can be useful for creating symmetry in your designs or for creating variations on an object. For example, you might use the Reflect tool to create a mirror image of an object or to create a design element that is a flipped version of another element. You can also use the Reflect tool to reflect an object around a specified point or axis by holding down the Alt key and clicking on the point or axis around which you want to reflect the object.
While creating a design, you may need to reflect objects or shapes such as a hand, foot, arms, or many others. Reflected objects are identical but diametrically opposed. The reflected objects allow you to create a design quickly by eliminating the need to draw each side of the design, and the reflection speeds up your work process.
There are numerous methods for reflecting in Adobe Illustrator. To easily reflect shapes, use the Reflect Tool, Reflect from Transform, and Mirror. If you draw one side of a shape, you might not be able to draw the same side on the opposite side. So Reflect is the best option for you here.
How to Use Reflect Tool in Illustrator – Video Tutorial
To learn the easiest way to use Reflect Tool in Adobe Illustrator, you can also watch the below video tutorial.
How to Use Reflect Tool in Adobe Illustrator
To use the Reflect Tool Illustrator, select the shape. Go to Object > Transform > Reflect. Reflect panel will appear. Select a Vertical Axis, or horizontal depending on the shape you want to reflect. You can also set the Angle. Click on Copy. The shape will be reflected and its copy will be created. You will also have the original shape as well and the reflected copy.
You can follow the detailed steps given below to use the Reflect Tool in Adobe Illustrator.
Step 1: Select the object or objects that you want to reflect.

Step 2: Select the Reflect tool from the left Toolbar that is under the Rotate Tool.

Step 3: Double Click on the Reflect Tool from the toolbar. The Reflect panel will appear.

Step 4: In the Reflect dialog box, choose whether you want to reflect the object horizontally or vertically.
Step 5: Click the Copy button to create a copy of the reflected object.

The object will be reflected.

You can also use the Reflect tool to reflect an object around a specified point or axis. To do this, select the Reflect tool and click on the object, then hold down the Alt key and click on the point or axis around which you want to reflect the object. This will create a copy of the reflected object.
Note that the Reflect tool is not the same as the Rotate tool, which allows you to rotate an object around a specified point.
You have learned how to use reflect tool in Adobe Illustrator.
In this tutorial, you have learned to use the reflect tool in Adobe Illustrator. You can reflect any shape in Illustrator using this tool.
Have More Questions?
If you have any questions related to using Reflect Tool in Illustrator. You can ask in the comment section below.
All Done! Enjoy.
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